Everything You Need In a Monthly Membership Program to Get Your Health Back


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In this online membership you will learn everything that Dr. Kiernan presents to her TruBalance Health Patients in her monthly health workshops in Little Rock.  Dr. Traci Kiernan developed her Lifestyle Mastery Monthly to provide content for all of her patients. You will learn so much great information to then take ACTION on in your life. This information is timely, easy to follow and fun to listen to. Dr. Kiernan will engage you and help you get motivated to get to YOUR GOALS!

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Monthly Videos From the Comfort of Your Home

Watch all your content without having to come into our offices for workshops. You'll get all of the great information that Dr. Kiernan has to offer all from your phone or laptop.

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Hundreds of Dr. Approved Recipes

For the lifetime of your membership you'll get to see hundreds of great recipes that you can cook and share with your family at home. All Doctor APPROVED!

I Want To Be Part of the Lifestyle Mastery Monthly!!!

Sign me up to receive all of this great health information that has helped hundreds of patients lose and keep their weight off.

Sign Me Up

Key benefits from online membership: Dr. Kiernan has poured her heart out in this monthly online subscription. You'll get everything you need to stay on course as you take on the bumpy road that weight loss can be. You'll also receive the online version of our cookbook! See hundreds of recipes to help you and your family eat healthy, delicious, doctor-approved meals

So Much Content to Help You on Your Health Journey

This course is going to help you move in the right direction immediately. Every month new content from a Doctor who has seen hundreds of patients lose thousands of pounds!!

Join Lifestyle Mastery Monthly Membership