Weight Loss
Results may vary from person to person based on body size and other factors.

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What Our Clients Say

“I’ve never been as successful with a weight loss program as I’ve been so far with TruBalance.”

“I have been on it for 36 days now. I have lost 22 lbs and two pant sizes but the biggest thing is that I came off one of my diabetic medications in just three weeks after I started this program.”

“TruBalance is absolutely amazing! I’m making better choices about what I eat that have led to amazing results… more energy, better sleep, and keeping the 50 pounds off that I’ve lost.”
Tammy’s TruBalance Story:
My weight has fluctuated up and down a lot since 2014 but even more so since 2020. Now I have a plan to move forward on and continue for the rest of my life.
My granddaughter was born in 2018 and I was worried that if I continued on the path that I was on, that I wouldn't be able to play with her & even scarier, that I wouldn't be around to see her grow up. I see my Mom suffer with her weight as well as her mother and growing old and being like that is just not what I wanted for me and my family. I now also have a grandson and my future is brighter. My son gets married in May, now I won't feel ashamed or embarrassed to take pictures!
Thank you everyone for the daily support and guidance. Without you I would not be where I am today, from 169 to 130! Thank you again, Tammy
Tony’s TruBalance Story:
The final straw of being so overweight came when "one” of my doctors put me on insulin. Twice a day! The dosage was increased on my third visit with her. Then all my other medications increased.
I saw a TruBalance commercial and knew I had to do something about the weight and medications. My overall health was terrible. No energy, depressed and stressed. Making that appointment that day I called Trubalance, has been the BEST choice I have made in a long time.
I feel so much better and have so much energy. I’m off of my blood pressure medications, and Metformin! I’ve lost 60lbs, I don’t have to worry about insulin shots or have the bad side effects of insulin (low blood sugar). I will never regret that phone call!
-Toni T.